Cast and location
In terms of my location and cast I have had some complications. My current location of Humber street in Hull is under construction therefore can't be used for filming down. As I am also changing the cast I thought it would be a good idea to now shoot my video in Scunthorpe, where it is closer to where my cast live. I decided to chose locations that were urban and secluded so filming would be made easier as there would be less interruptions. When searching for my location choices I had in mind alley ways, and graffitied walls, to fit the typical conventions of the genre of pop.My current model has found it hard to become in sync with me and when I would like to film. When I have free time she has other commitments. This has left me to find another cast. I have been successful with this and now have three girls called Poppy, Lydia and Millie taking part. I have selected these girls as they fit the image of my music video. For example, their gender is female and they are all the age of a teenager.
I have organsied the music video with the girls over social media, these are the messages on Facebook messenger of me asking the girls to be part of my music video and us discussing costume, location, time and what I would like them to do.

These are some images of the new cast:
I have also been faced with complications including my location. The location has been cornered off by workers as it is under construction. This does not allow me to film here as white panelling is covering the graffiti. It doesnt allow enough room for the tripod as the alley way has been narrowed, this limits my shot types. I am also restricted with the change of area in the location and I cant get different shots of the different types of graffiti as I had planned. In the future disturbance from the workers may have been an issue. As there was no sign saying when the construction work would be finished I dont know when this date will be, therefore I have made the desision to change loction as it could be months before the alley way will be back in use. Here is some pictural evidence of the construction work:I have decided to move my location to an urban area of scunthorpe. This is close to where mt models live and I can access this area as well. I am sticking to the theme of an alley way as I know I wont be disturbed while filming and fits the vibe of the song I have chosen.