How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout my work I used a variety of new media technologies to help along with my planning and research, the construction of my final music video, my digipak and advertisement, and to display my evaluation. By using new media like Facebook and Youtube I can expand my work onto a wider audience to get feedback and display my work. I can reach out to a range of ages, gender and locations around the world by using social media, this gives me a better range of feedback. For this question I am going to explain what media technologies I specifically used for each sector of my work process.
New media technologies
WEBSITES- Google/Google images
- Tumblr
- YouTube
- Blogger
- Prezi
- SlideShare
- SurveyMonkey
- Radio 1 Top 40 Charts
- YouTube Top 40 Charts
COMPUTER SOFTWARE/iPhone technology
- Final Cut Pro (non linear editing)
- Microsoft Programmes - Word and PowerPoint
- Adobe PhotoShop
- iMessage
- iPhoto
- Facebook Messenger
- Tripod
- 32GB SD card
- iPhone camera
- 32GB Memory stick
- Macbook Air
- MAC computer
Research and planning
To start off my research and planning I firstly used web 2.0 to browse YouTube for existing music videos. By doing this I found it useful as I was able to look at and analyse the different convections that were typically seen for each genre of music video. I was specifically looking at pop music videos, I found these by browsing the top current hot 40, this lead me to all the top charts of popular music at this current time. As it was the top 40 I had a variety of artists to look at.As well as using Youtube for current music videos I also used YouTube to display my own videos. For example, to upload my audience research, my draft edits and final music video.
To display my research of current music videos and conventions analyse I used software such as Powerpoint, SlideShare and Prezi. I used these software options to display my work because the sites are easy to use and have different creative ways of presentation, for example colour and different font types. For research such as costume, hair and makeup I used Powerpoint to display images, mood boards and discuss my ideas. I typically used Blogger as well to display simple key points and visual images along side this.
For audience research I used SurveyMonkey which is a free online questionnaire and survey programme. Once I had decided the questions I wanted to ask I created the online survey which I then emailed to the rest of the students at college via the college email system. From students that did take time to fill out the survey I then could collect the data. SurveyMonkey themselves organise the data into easily readable charts which I could then print screen and display onto my blog.
Organisation is key when working with multiple people. To organise my cast I used Facebook Messenger to communicate with them and organise times when all three of the cast were free. I also used Facebook Messenger to discuss costume, hair and makeup.
When I was on location, to expand on my filming diary I took photos on my iPhone 5 to show behind the scene action.
For the construction of my music video I used Final Cut Pro, which is non linear editing, on a MAC computer. To upload my music to go along side my video I used YouTube converter. I used Final Cut Pro to import my footage from a SONY HDR-CX190E DIGITAL HD VIDEO CAMERA RECORDER. The camera was easy to use at it had a side flip out screen so that I could check my framing of the shot at all times. I could also flip the screen around so that my models could see themselves therefore could position themselves well in the camera and it gave them confidence to see what they were doing. I used a tripod the stabilise my camera and to use for angling and different shot types. Throughout my work process I used a 32GB memory card and 32GB memory stick to hold all of my work. I used 32GB so that I didn't have the issue of having not enough memory to store my footage.
For my two ancillary texts, my digipak and advertisement, I used Adobe PhotoShop to construct and edit. To take the images for my ancillary texts I used a Canon EOS 600D camera. This gave me good quality images and was easy to use.
The use of Photoshop was straight forward as my skills have developed from my first year in media. For example, I had more knowledge of the tools I could use, therefore this made it quicker for me to construct my ancillary texts.
I used for the artist name and the album name for both of my ancillary texts.