By practicing test shots I was able to improve my use of the camera and use it to it's full potential by the time it came to me shooting actual shots for my music video. I found it helpful as I could practise different shots and access which I thought looked most visually pleasing and I could use to fit the genre of pop.
This is a test shot of a pan. At the start of the shot the tripod movemnet was a stiff, therefore I need to take this into acount when I do the official filming of my music video. By practising a pan and losening the tripod this may improve to get a smoother shot at the start.
Upwards and downwards tilt
This is an upwards and downwards tilt of the camera. This shot will allow a full shot of the costume.
Zoom in and out
This is a zoom in and out and will alow a shot of the models face and their surroundings.
Hand held
Hand held camera work creates verisimlitude in a shot.