Making sure everyone is safe while filming the music video is one of my priorities. Hazards:

- As I may be shooting on the steps the hazard of tripping and falling may cause injury to my cast. Therefore fast movement on the steps will be avoided and may be unsafe.
- The barbed wire that is located on the steps could also harm my cast and myself. Therefore we will not be going near the top of the steps and will avoid contact at all cost.
- Climbing on top of objects may also cause injury if we were to trip or fall, therefore all my cast must be aware of where objects are placed before filming.
- As there are bins within the located, any object could of been place inside or beside the bins. The object may be sharp or be a fluid that my be harmful. Therefore we will not be touching the bins unless assessed all around to be moved if they are In the way, making sure we put them back when we have finished.
- As there is an alley way we will investigate before we film as there may be harmful objects, people to be aware of or falling objects from the roof and windows.
- The camera equipment also needs to be in a safe position, for example, the tripod needs to be placed on stable ground so it doesn't rock or fall over.
- If it were to rain, the camera equipment would also need to be protected with either clothing to keep it dry or a case.
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